Saturday, July 13, 2024

First Posted July 31, 2006



I am a trespasser upon my shadow's ground
an unwanted visitor in my soul's shade
forever prodded along by impatient voices

This tramping through the dust of life
has only discolored my shoes
what is the lesson in that

Thought Piece No. 11

A head full of knowledge does not make one a wise man.
It is how one applies his knowledge that makes him wise.


Thought Piece No. 10

To know something is noteworthy.
To know why it matters is indispensable.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Posted 19 Years Ago


THURSDAY, MAY 26, 2005

All Of My Poems

All of my poems
up to this point
have been rough drafts
to be revised someday
to say what they are
supposed to say
when I know what that is

All of my poems so far
except for this one

Thought Piece No. 9

A man who can make do with whatever he has, 
has everything that he needs.

Marginal Memories

Marginal memories
that part of us
which mourns lost chances

Chances that had only 
the promise
that time would not wait 
beyond the moment

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Thought Piece No. 8

People are never looking down
when the rusty nail bites

thought Piece no. 7

There is never silence in nature
its sounds are the order of the world
from crickets to thunder
messages which must be heeded 

Thought Piece No. 6

There is a great clamor today
for transparency.
What we get is smoke and mirrors
trying to pass for reality,
self dealing trying to pass as

Thought Piece No. 5

Second-guessing is a sport
indulged in by people who
never take that first step
of trust in themselves.
They prefer to be critics
of those that do and fail
pretending to an infallibility
they do not possess.

Thought Piece No. 4

Only a fool believes his own lies
only a dotard ignores factual evidence
he trains his thoughts to compromise reality
and his speech to give voice to
un-reasonable declarations

The Rationality of Reason

Tattooed with my own blood
scarred by my vacuous needs
yet reason persist in my 
every day drama

Focusing on the rational
my sails remain trimmed
before the winds of change
I cannot worry about
what happens next
there are myriad possibilities

Thursday, June 27, 2024


The days go by much faster now
time is not my friend
but I am determined to fully live
until the very end
I will greet each morning happily
each night without chagrin
and know that when my life is done
my ashes will dance in the wind

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Self Esteem

A breath that lingers.
You know the feeling.
Trying to put yourself in place.
Eyes all around.
Until you realize they are not 
looking at you, only at themselves.
Your stare back reveals
you are beyond their touch.
The truth that obviates the need
to worry.

Friday, February 17, 2023


You want to know her,
you long to hear her story.
Whispers as slight as shadows
surround her like moonlight.

It is chance to be near her.
She watches and her lashes dip.
Can you cross the line she's drawn?
Her glass is full, she wears a faint smile.

Will this become a vague recollection? 
A mist of the moment wrapped and shawled,
like an idiom dancing away with itself.
Leaving you to wonder if she was real.


Time cannot erase true affection.
It is an ember forever glowing.
A radiant warmth of intimacy
nurtured by fond memories.
It only takes an embrace for the
ember to flame, for the fire of
love to rekindle, for the chill of
distance to disappear.

Friday, December 16, 2022

I Met A Girl From Calgary

 I met a girl from Calgary who should have
lived in horseback days.
An automobile is her last resort. Her legs
and bike can take her where she wants.
She's been around the world and beyond,
to the places where stories are born.
She is an old soul who can wrangle a mustang,
or unfold the nuance of pen on paper.
Her beauty is her truth, true as the Alberta plains
I met a girl from Calgary and will not
forget her.

For Jane Kubke. The Fairhope Center for 
the Writing Arts December 2022 Writer
in Residence.