Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Elective Surgery

Today I cut my heart out
and threw it into a swamp
as I watched it slowly sink
I felt the cold chill of malice
sweep into my soul

No need to sew the wound
it doesn't bleed
it's just a hole
where memories turn to dust
and resentments gather

What was the point I thought
of unconditional love
in a conditional world
better to just go through the motions
then to let a drowning flood of emotion
go through me

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


The horizon matched me step for step
ever receding to my proceeding
until today that is
when I walked right through it

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Tend The Boy

Tend the boy
who wanders aimlessly
whisper a trace
of what he's
dreamed about
he can't help
that he's made himself
into a fool
he can't pretend
that you're not
his river of doubt

is a persistent drummer
with a beat
that bloodies the soul
only those that have heard
it's every cadence
knows that it lives
to kill the moment
and leave the heart
out in the cold

Tend the boy
who looks for meaning
in the dreams
of all the nights before
that they might point the direction
he needs to travel
if he can't travel
in your direction

Monday, December 19, 2005

Letters to Myself

My poems are letters to myself
the only correspondent that I can trust
I write the same thing over and over
telling myself beware of the heart
it will fool the soul into believing
that love can be fair

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I knew from the moment I saw you
that you were aware of the ways of men
one of those not to be fooled
but ever willing to play their game
so comfortable in your own skin
yet needful of the attention
I would have gotten to know you better
but you got to know me better first

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Is There a Place

Is there a place any longer
for one who loves
for all the right reasons
for one who loves the seesaw balanced
one who is most turned on by the eyes
of his lover
because therein lies her soul

Is there a place any longer
for one who loves
with no expectation
for one who loves in spite of the past
one who knows that within the moment
lies the truth of feeling
because therein it just is