Friday, November 18, 2005


Tell me what you know
let me put my ear to your bosom
and hear the truth spoken from your heart
let me lay flowers in your lap
an offering to your worldly self
I will seal my lips
and only listen
listen to the music of your being
as it transfuses into my soul


You have measured me
and know my secrets
and the trails I take
to lose myself
my published thoughts
are the bread crumbs I drop
for you to follow
to find me when I'm blind to reason

Perhaps I run
just so you will follow
and corner me
at the end of the maze
all the turns
we could have taken
become meaningless
when we are together

Beyond Pretense

Beyond pretense lies the ability
to be who you really aren't
and to challenge the world
to unmask the fraud
it is so needful to embrace

Sit rapt in the moment
beguiled by my spiel
as I measure my breath
for the stories to unfold
and dare you to trust your patience
to save you

Listen closely
for as I skirt the truth
it is revealed
the disguise becomes the evidence
only the wisest realize
that the best place to hide a lie
is in plan sight