Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Time Stamped

A relentless wave of moribundity
has crashed upon our conscience
none dare use their reason
when a device is at hand
no longer does eye meet eye
while the somnolent blue light glows
time stamped thought trades like
some devalued currency
fact and logic scatter across the mindscape
like dessicated leaves
the pocket oracle may not be a god
but it leads us to a new frontier
with no horizon

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Dark Side of Relevance

Sometimes we misplay the common frequencies
leaving our conscience to deal with
our public misbehavior and private misadventures

Like a blue seduction of a disaffected soul
we weary our limitations to the dark side of relevance
and realize the weight of things better left unsaid

Yet remain blister keen for a totally new narrative
the mythic search for stolen hope
unaware that both sides of the spectrum are corrupted

The Friction of Symmetry

You find it easy to trust yourself

spoiled by the measure of your gifts.
The wheel spirals from within you,
Your hands caress the clay fearlessly
disdaining its taunts, you partner 
with fire an unforgiving lover.

From the time you were a child
the lesson was instilled, form
follows function. The clay seduced
you, fire seduced the clay. From the
heat emerged grace and beauty,
the essence of your artistry.