Saturday, May 28, 2005

The Point Of It All

My poetry is for
the love of words
the joy of language
phrasing and innuendo
hidden meanings - in the open
plain speaking - camouflaged
heart felt sentiment
gut wrenching invective
mind doodles
startling realizations

My meager mind
is like a hamster's wheel
going round and round
and getting nowhere
so much energy expended
for so little progress
but it's working baby
it's working
and I feel better
whenever I use it

Thursday, May 26, 2005

All Of My Poems

All of my poems
up to this point
have been rough drafts
to be revised someday
to say what they are
supposed to say
when I know what that is

All of my poems so far
except for this one

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Poetry Almanac

I was just alerted to the following site by a dear friend. I intend to spend a lot of time here. Here is the link:

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


My flash of genius
was merely a blink
I stare at this screen
wondering how
to re-route
the catchy insights
my mind holds captive

Maybe they don't deserve
to be printed
and are really hiding
within the folds
of my brain
kind enough
to save me the embarrassment
of themselves