Thursday, July 14, 2011


The Shadowhawk blinked restlessly and glided from the needlespur
as I broke to the bright side of the pines
all trace of you had emptied into the vetch and bluestem
I followed the vibrations of your conscience
a songline as clear as a rabbit track through dewberries

The curl of your back in repose the soft cadence of your breath
I would tie feathers in your hair and listen to the dusk with you
many mistake treasure for wealth when it can be as simple as a smile
the Shadowhawk drifts between clouds watching us unravel mysteries
he blinks lazily and glides onto the needlespur

Friday, July 01, 2011

In Her Palm

The woman on my mind needn’t submit to an interview
I’ll watch her rustling skirt
wondering when the wind will wake
the curiosities that fables have told me are sacred

One eye apprises, could she be less succinct
she knows she has the tools to end the interview
a wink, a reminder of innocence
but the wary know that formidable wears no mask