Friday, April 04, 2008

Fungus Fungus

Your entourage was famous
for its ability to blend into your need
a snap of your mind
and their thoughts scattered accordingly

I wanted to be the different one
and settle into a fold
that you had forgotten was is in your apron
a waking thought that brought a smile

I watched you wrestle yourself to a draw
hidden beneath your covers
I was there beneath your pillow
the only cool in the heat of your exasperation

But I was not enough
nothing is enough when there is fungus upon fungus
and souls deteriorates at the speed of disbelief
leaving love a windblown foam on a litter strewn beach

How is it that soft blue eyes can focus through tears
and mine just become caked with the salt of suspense
I thought I was tending the garden
curse me if I was only tending our appetites

I've let the garden go fallow
but I like to think of all those seeds
waiting for a turn of the earth to spring forth
just as my heart will lie dormant until it feels your touch


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